It only matters where you're going!
Today My family and I had to go pick up my sister from a church camp she had gone too for the weekend and as we were leaving I was walking to my car and behind me was a mom and child ....they were talking pretty loud so I could hear what the conversation was about. The mom was telling the kid to keep walking and stop stopping in front of her. And then she said the sentence that made me jump on the inside. She told her Child “Quit looking behind and Look where you’re going, It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, right now it only matters where you’re going” It struck me!!! So many times am I looking at the past and thinking how I could’ve done things so differently. I look back and wish I would’ve done some things I had the opportunity to do or look back at the hurts and things I can’t seem to let go of. I try to let them go but lately the hurt keeps popping up. The anger from the situation is slowly fading away but the hurt is increasing sometimes. As Children of God he is walking right beside us telling us “Quit looking behind and look where you’re going, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been, right now it only matters where you’re going” I don’t know about you but that really comforts me.
It doesn’t matter what we have done or where we have been his mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:21-24)!!! I find that with some people they don’t want to believe that promise. They would rather sulk in their hurt, anger, depression and the list can go on and on and then some more But as people of God we need to rise up and make that stand that shows others that yes we are hurting, yes we are dealing with unforgiveness, yes we don’t know where our next meal is coming from, yes we are depressed BUT MY GOD HAS SACRIFICED SO I CAN RECEIVE HIS GRACE AND MERCY EVERY SINGLE MORNING!!! The world is watching and so when we are going through “real” things we need to be REAL about them. I know for me I don’t need anyone all up in my business preaching to me when they are not living what they are preaching, I don’t expect perfection but I do expect you to be real. I wonder what would happen if people stopped walking around acting like they aint got any problems. I think healing would happen before our eyes. Then body of Christ would be one and be there for one another not to judge but to support them so that when we find ourselves slipping back they can say to us “Quit looking behind and Look where you’re going, It doesn’t matter where you’ve been , right now it only matters where you’re going”
I encourage you to take a moment and think about the situations you are dealing with and instead of me saying just give them to God and believe me I am not making light because we are to cast our burdens on him because he cares for us. But we have to put some action into it we have got to give it to God and leave it and thennnnn allow him to heal our heart. We then must walk in the authority he has given to us freely!!! He paid the price for our deliverance! I challenge you today to “Quit looking behind and look where you’re going, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been, right now it only matters where you’re going”
This is a great word Kayla. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes we forget about all God has for us and the vision He has given us for our lives when little situations come popping up that try to pull us back to the past. Keep your eyes on Him, keep your eyes forward.
Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth to those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3:13-14)
Be Blessed, Tina
Kayla, you were preaching all up on this one.
Stay Saved,
God is good all da time and all da time God is good :)
Awesome Word. Continue to walk with God.
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